In 2018, the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW (the RAS of NSW) introduced the Agricultural Shows Award as a medallion to recognise the contribution made by exhibitors, competitors and volunteers at each NSW Agricultural Show. The RAS of NSW provides one medallion per year per Show Society to recognise significant contribution in line with the RAS of NSW's vision to educate our community on the value of sustainable agriculture and improve the quality of agricultural produce and animal breeds through competitions.
Berrigan Show Society sets the medallion in a wood stand before presenting to the recipient.
The Berrigan Show Awardees have been:
Berrigan Show Society sets the medallion in a wood stand before presenting to the recipient.
The Berrigan Show Awardees have been:
2018: Alan Lawrence
Alan was recognised for his dedication to the Berrigan Show Society and poultry competitions throughout Australia. Alan has been a passionate poultry breeder for over 45 years. He was a Poultry Steward at the Berrigan Show from the age of 14, and this work has continued over many years. Alan started showing his own poultry at 16. He has gone on to become one of Australia’s most prestigious breeders, and his development of the game breed has meant he has been extremely successful at shows all over the Eastern states.
2019: Des Gleeson
Des, of Mingara Peformance Horses and Des Gleeson Showjumping Coach, has been showjumping at the Berrigan Show for the past five decades. He and his family are very dedicated in attending Berrigan Show bringing up to seven horses through to Grand Prix level. Des is a big supporter of youth involvement in the sport, and actively encourages them to compete at agricultural shows.
2022: Ray Eldridge
Ray became a member of Berrigan Show Society in the late '90's, reinvigorating the local Showgirl and Rural Achiever competitions as President, as well as founding the AY (Agricultural Youth) Team in Berrigan and linking it to other AY show groups in the region now known as ASC of NSW Next Generation.
Ray began announcing the show jumping events at Berrigan and surrounds around the same time, often spending every show season weekend attending at least one show in the district. As an AgShows NSW Delegate Ray attended quarterly meetings in Sydney as well attending the Sydney Royal Easter Show to assist with the Junior Judging State Finals in livestock, paraders, grains, fruit, and vegetables. Ray was Berrigan A & H Society President from 2001 to 2005, South Western Group of Show Association Group 9 President from 2007 to 2009, and South Western Group of Show Association Group 9 Delegate to AgShows NSW from 2006 to 2014. |
2024: Andrew Horne
Andrew joined the Berrigan Show Committee in 2006 having been a keen competitor in cookery since primary school. Currently, Andrew returns to Berrigan each October long weekend to with the show. Andrew’s role extends from being the Cookery Steward in the Pavilion on Saturday, directing trade displays and entertainment early Sunday, stewarding the novelty events including Decorated Gumboots and Wheelbarrows, assisting the Secretary and Treasurer, and returning on Monday to count ribbons and collating entry forms.
In 2017, Andrew joined the RAS of NSW Youth Group and has attended the Sydney Royal Easter Show each year since stewarding in sheep, wool, goats and dairy. He spearheaded the development of the RAS of NSW Youth Medal to acknowledge individuals who make a remarkable impact on a section of the Sydney Royal Easter Show. Andrew is an active member of AgShows NSW Group 5 where he attends their local shows helping with the Young Judging competitions and sponsoring the Rich Fruit Cake competition. |